Newsletter 11 - February 2010
A Project for Hawai'i Island

Together with many other upcoming events, the 6th Annual Grow Hawaiian Festival celebrates connections between Hawaiian culture and agriculture.
Supporting organizations
Reports -- Eat Locally Grown Day; Na'alehu Farmer's Market; What is "Locally Grown" (Part 1)
This month's featured organization: Hawai'i Tropical Fruit Growers Association (HTFG)
This month's specialty crop: Moringa
Community Supported Agriculture (CSA)
Web resources
Project advisers
As you will see below, local and sustainable food is gearing up in 2010. This is our largest newsletter with more events and activities than ever before. Enjoy!
We welcome our newest Supporting Organization, Hawaii SEED, which promotes diverse, ecological, and healthy local food.
Your submissions are welcome using the form at the bottom of this email or your own announcements. The deadline for the March 2010 newsletter is Tuesday, February 23.
Mahalo nui loa,
Craig Elevitch
Pedro Tama
Supporting organizations of the Hawai'i Homegrown Food Network
Friday, January 29, 10 am - 2:30 pm, North Kona
Event: KCFA Third Annual Trade Expo: Services and Resources Specifically for Small Farms
Sponsor: Kona Coffee Farmers Association (KCFA)
Description: Free and open to all, this is KCFA's annual community service, connecting farmers with the vendors who serve the farmer’s needs! The Trade Expo will features Displays, Product and Service Information, and Technical Talk-story. There will also be a number of educational mini-workshops and presentations, including topics such as the India coffee market, CTAHR projects, Fed Ex discounts, coffee consulting, soil health and analysis, coffee marketing, and organic fertilizer. This is your chance to pick up useful tips to help you farm, and to learn what is going on in our agricultural community. KCFA Annual meeting follows at 3 pm.
Place: Makaeo Pavilion, Old Airport, Kailua-Kona, North Kona
Cost: Free. Door Prizes for KCFA members.
Contact: Marylou, 329-4035, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, February 1, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Puna
Event: Permaculture Systems Design
Sponsor: La'akea permaculture Hawai'i
Description: Come discover the basics of permaculture design. This class will be an introduction to system design. Please register for this class by 9pm, the night before. Class will start on time.
Location: La'akea Community, Puna (see contact for directions)
Cost: $20
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 443-4076
Wednesday, February 3, 3:30 pm - 5 pm, North Kona
Event: Kona Coffee Talk - Coffee Pruning
Sponsor: The Kona Coffee Farmers Association (KCFA)
Description: KCFA is pleased to announce that the monthly Coffee Talk Meetings formerly held at CTAHR by Virginia Easton-Smith will be continued in her absence by a KCFA education facilitator. The first Coffee Talk topic to be discussed will be coffee pruning with an emphasis on hands-on pruning. The Education Committee of the Kona Coffee Farmers Association (KCFA), a 501(c)(6) non-profit organization, proudly plans to continue this popular monthly series of coffee farming education. Meetings are the first Wednesday of each month.
Place: Bob Nelson's farm, Kainaliu (call contact for directions), North Kona
Cost: Free. The public is welcome!
Contact: 329-4035, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thursday, February 4, 2:30 - 4:30 pm, Puna
Event: Permaculture Systems Design Implementation
Sponsor: La'akea permaculture Hawai'i
Description: If you attended the basics of permaculture design, you are invited to come back, share and implement a common design to be created today. Class will start on time.
Location: La'akea Community, Puna (see contact for directions)
Cost: $20
Contact: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. , 443-4076
Saturday, February 6, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Puna
Event: Hawai‘i Grown Tea Propagation
Sponsor: Hawai'i Tea Society
Description: Tea Series I: Workshop with Eva Lee, of Tea Hawaii & Company. The first in a series of two workshops highlighting Hawai‘i as the only state collectively producing domestically grown tea in the United States and what distinguishes tea growing in Hawai‘i from other tea producing countries. This workshop discusses innovations and experimentation by Hawai‘i tea growers to craft a unique tea experience using various known cultivators and propagation methods. Early registration recommended.
Place: Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus, 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd. in Volcano Village. Puna.
Cost: $55 (financial aid available).
Contact: Call (808) 967-8222 or visit
Sunday, February 7, Noon - 6 pm, South Hilo
Event: Annual BobFest Agricultural Fair
Sponsor: Keep it Green Hawaii & Native FM
Description: The BobFest Agricultural Fair 2010 features international reggae artists & local Hawaiian bands. Organic farms and farmers, charter school garden groups, Kona CPR, Sustainable Island Products, CERT Hawai'i and more will be demonstrating & vending.
Place: Mo'oheau Park & Bandstand, Kapiolani St., near Wai'anuenue Ave., Hilo, South Hilo
Cost: Free to the public. (Vendors email Contact)
Contact: Call 808/216-7372, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or visit
Wednesday, February 10, 10 am - noon
Event: "Getting started with a homegrown food oasis"
Sponsor: Kona County Farm Bureau
Description: Craig Elevitch will give a presentation on how to start a homegrown food oasis. The presentation will cover methods of growing diverse crops in an abundant perennial garden.
Place: On the Sheraton Hotel lawn at the intersection with the Keauhou Boat Harbor road.
Cost: Free
Contact: Nancy Pisicchio, Kona County Farm Bureau, 322-3118
Friday - Sunday, February 12 - 14, South Kona
Event: Plant Communication: Reclaiming our Birth-Rite
Sponsor/Organizer: Pati Scamacca
Brief Description: Plant communication through light, sound and breath (call for more details).
Place: Sanctuary of Mana Ke`a Gardens, Honaunau (call for directions), South Kona
Cost: $260
Contact: Pati Scamacca, 328-7306
Saturday, February 13, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: A Garden Tools Workshop, (First of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala'ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and a far-flung variety of other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, February 13, 10 am - 11:30 am, South Kona
Event: Free Garden Tour
Sponsor: Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, a Bishop Museum native plant arboretum.
Description: Guided tour of Amy Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden. Learn about native and Polynesian introduced plants and their role and uses in traditional Hawaiian society. Brian Kiyabu, horticulturist, will guide visitors through the 12 acre garden. Visitors can imagine the landscape in the time before Captain Cook, and learn about the productive, sustainable agriculture the Hawaiians were practicing in Kona 300 years ago. No reservations necessary.
Place: Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Gardens, Captain Cook, Mile Marker 110, mauka side of Mamalahoa Highway, South Kona.
Cost: Free (donations are encouraged)
Contact: Call if you have any questions, 323-3318 or e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday, February 15, 6:30 pm, North Kona
Event: Hawai'i Tropical Fruit Growers Meeting
Sponsor: HTFG
Description: Topic to be announced
Place: UH Kainaliu Experiment Station, Kainaliu, North Kona
Cost: Free
Contact: Ken Love, 996-7926, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, February 20, South Kona
Event: 4th Annual Hawai'i Avocado Festival
Sponsor/Organizer: Sanctuary of Mana Ke'a Gardens (see website for list of many sponsors)
Description: Featuring live music and entertainment, along with sustainable events including solar powered stage, Eco Village, Green Fashion Show, avocado grafting, growing and organic management, value-added products. Organic foods, fresh fruits, smoothies & kava drinks. There will be presentations by CTAHR, Hawaii Tropical Fruit Growers, Hawaii Agritourism Association, Recycle Hawai`i, Zero Waste, Friends of NELHA, Green Collar Technologies, One Island Sustainability, SKGM, Hawai'i Homegrown Food Network, HIGI, Hawaii Health Guide, etc. There will be a benefit raffle for Innovations Charter School, and we will continue our special Avocado Recipe Contest, sponsored by the U.H. and local High School Chef Culinary School.
Place: Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, Captain Cook, just south of mile marker 110, mauka side of Mamalahoa Highway, South Kona.
Cost: Free
Contact: Randyl Rupar, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,, 808 334-3340
Sunday, February 21, Noon, North Kohala
Event: Slow Food Hawai'i Annual Meeting and Potluck
Sponsor: Slow Food Hawai'i
Description: The business meeting for Slow Food Hawaii members will begin at 11 am, followed at noon by a lunch and open forum for members and nonmembers. Former Mauna Lani executive chef Edwin Goto will offer Hawaiian red veal sliders, and Kona Brew Oceanic Organic Saison beer will be available for tasting. Everyone is asked to bring sides or desserts, and drinks of choice. The forum will feature discussion of North Kohala's food production.
Place: Pu'u O Kumau Ranch (send an email for directions)
Cost: no charge for Slow Food members, $15 per person for nonmembers.
Contact: Shelby Floyd 885-1009, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Thursday, February 25, 6 pm, South Hilo
Event: Welcome Dinner for Natural Farming Seminar with Master Cho
Sponsor: see list of Seminar sponsors below at next event (Feb 26 - 28)
Description: A Welcome Dinner to meet and greet Master Cho.
Place: Sky Garden at Imiloa Center, 600 Imiloa St., Hilo, South Hilo
Cost: $25 by February 19. $30 after that. See registration form at
Contact: Drake Weinert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dwight Sato at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (ph. 345-3464)
Friday - Sunday, February 26 - 28, 9 am - 5 pm, South Hilo
Event: Natural Farming Seminar with Master Cho: A New Wave - In Harmony with Nature
Coordinators and Sponsors: Cho Global Natural Farming-USA, County of Hawai`i-Research and Development, University of Hawai`i College of Agriculture Forestry & Natural Resource Management and College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources, Hawai`i Community College Office of Continuing Education & Training, DC Enterprises Ohana LLC, Hamakua Springs., Ka Hana No`eau, a program of the Kohala Intergenerational Center, and Partners In Development Foundation.
Description: Part I: Plant Seminars and Farm Inputs, a 3-day seminar. There is no longer any need to buy chemical fertilizers for the optimum health of your plants. Everything your plants need to thrive exists naturally in our environment and are, literally, at our feet. Natural Farming focuses on living soil and Indigenous Micro-Organisms (IMO’s). IMO’s are the missing link in "organic” farming. They convert organic material into the inorganic minerals and nutrients the plants can utilize. You will learn a completely sustainable system of farming that requires no off-island inputs and provides abundant and nutritious food. Learn how to collect and cultivate Indigenous Micro-Organisms. These ingredients enhance plant growth and you will learn how to apply these inputs in synchronization with the nutritive life cycle of plants.
Cost: $50 by February 19. $75 after that. Lunch each day $8. Special hotel rate available. See registration form at
Contact: Drake Weinert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dwight Sato at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (ph. 345-3464)
Saturday, February 27, 9 am - 2:30 pm, South Kona
Event: 6th Annual Grow Hawaiian Festival
Sponsor: Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Garden, The Garden is a Bishop Museum native plant arboretum.
Description: At the Festival weavers, dancers, kapa makers, and other practitioners of traditional Hawaiian culture meet biologists, conservationists, and horticulturists to explore their common passion for native and Polynesian introduced plants of Hawai‘i. Festival goers have a unique opportunity to meet and talk with many of the foremost practitioners of Hawaiian arts like weaver Elizabeth Maluihi Lee or lei maker Marie MacDonald. The Grow Hawaiian Festival includes demonstrations, talks, storytelling, hula, plant and insect identification booths, and informational tables from community conservation, cultural, and scientific groups. No reservations necessary.
Place: Amy B. H. Greenwell Ethnobotanical Gardens, Captain Cook, Mile Marker 110, mauka side of Mamalahoa Highway, South Kona.
Cost: Free
Contact: Call 323-3318, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,
Saturday, February 27, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: Composting and Vermiculture (worms), (Second of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala’ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and a far-flung variety of other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, February 27, 10 am - 12 Noon, South Kohala
Event: Fresh from the Farmers' Market
Sponsor: Waimea Community Education
Description: Food writer and home cook Joan Namkoong shares tips on shopping for produce at the farmers’ market and how to handle and store items to optimize freshness and shelf life. Learn to use fresh items in new ways with some simple recipes for Kale Salad, Roasted Tomatoes, and Red Red Bolognaise featuring Hawai'i Ranchers’ red veal.
Place: Anna Ranch, 65-1480 Kawaihae Rd., Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: $35
Contact: Cathy Youtkus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,, (808) 885-1539
Sunday, February 28, 6 - 8 pm, North Kohala
Event: Permaculture and Home Garden Evening
Sponsor: Uluwehi Farm and Permanent Agriculture Resources
Description: Tom Baldwin and Craig Elevitch will present permaculture examples from throughout Hawai‘i and discuss sustainability scenarios within the permaculture context.
Place: The Barn, Hawi
Cost: Free
Contact: Tom Baldwin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Monday - Tuesday, March 1 - 2, 9 am - 5 pm, South Hilo
Event: Natural Farming Seminar with Master Cho: A New Wave - In Harmony with Nature
Sponsors: Cho Global Natural Farming-USA, County of Hawai`i-Research and Development, University of Hawai`i College of Agriculture Forestry & Natural Resource Management and College of Tropical Agriculture & Human Resources, Hawai`i Community College Office of Continuing Education & Training, DC Enterprises Ohana LLC, Hamakua Springs., Ka Hana No`eau, a program of the Kohala Intergenerational Center, and Partners In Development Foundation.
Description: Part II: Livestock, a 2-day seminar.
Cost: $40 by February 19. $60 after that. Lunch each day $8. Special hotel rate available. See registration form at
Contact: Drake Weinert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dwight Sato at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (ph. 345-3464)
Wednesday - Thursday, March 3 - 4
Event: Natural Farming Seminar with Master Cho: Farm Tours
Description: East Hawai'i, March 3: Visit a transitional farm with an aquaponic system and a farm utilizing Dr. Cho's method.
West Hawai'i, March 4: Visit Hamakua Springs and University of Nations' natural farm and aquaponic system.
Bring your own lunch.
Cost: $10 by February 19. $15 after that. See registration form at
Contact: Drake Weinert at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or Dwight Sato at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (ph. 345-3464)
Saturday, March 6, 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Puna
Event: Tea Series II: "Hawai‘i Grown Tea Processing”
Sponsor: Hawai'i Tea Society
Description: Workshop with Eva Lee, of Tea Hawaii & Company. The second in a series of two workshops highlighting Hawai‘i as the only state collectively producing domestically grown tea in the United States and what distinguishes tea growing in Hawai‘i from other tea producing countries. This workshop focuses on traditional as well as not so traditional aspects of tea processing & methods adapted to the Hawai'i Island environment. Early registration recommended.
Place: Volcano Art Center’s Niaulani Campus, 19-4074 Old Volcano Rd. in Volcano Village. Puna.
Cost: $55 (financial aid available).
Contact: Call (808) 967-8222 or visit
Saturday, March 13, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: Kalo: The Traditional Mo'olelo and Dryland Cultivation, (Third of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala’ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and a far-flung variety of other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, March 20, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: Seeds and Saving (also how to plant and transplant), (Fourth of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala’ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and a far-flung variety of other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.m
Saturday, March 20, Noon - 9 pm, Hamakua
Event: 2010 Spring Film Festival, Honoka'a People's Theatre: Practical Solutions for Sustainable Living
Sponsor: Honoka'a People's Theater, Hamakua Alive!
Description: Media, Films, Keynote Speakers, Information Booths, Food and Music
General topics for this event: Sustainable Agriculture, Food Security and Urban gardening; Peak Oil and Energy Conservation.
Place: Honoka'a Peoples Theater, Honoka'a, Hamakua
Cost: Free
Contact: 775-0000, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. ,
Friday-Sunday, March 26-28, North Kohala
Event: Homegrown Food Skills Workshop with Craig Elevitch, Tom Baldwin, and others
Sponsors: Uluwehi Farm and Permanent Agriculture Resources
Description: This hands-on workshop covers quick food production, self-reliant soil fertility systems, animal forage systems, food preparation, wild foods, propagation and planting methods, emergency preparedness and more.
Place: The workshop takes place on the active permaculture project at Uluwehi Farm in Hawi.
Cost: $125 before Monday, March 1, $160 thereafter including organic meals and camping
Contact: For more information Tom Baldwin, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.;
Saturday, March 27, 12 Noon - 3 pm, South Kohala
Event: Thai Curries & Spice
Sponsor: Waimea Community Education
Description: From the southern Indian word “kari” meaning “sauce”, comes the catch-all term for curry, which is quite popular in southeast Asia as well as throughout the entire world. East Indian in origin, curry is a term used to refer to a number of hot, spicy and usually thickened sauce-based dishes. Curry leaf itself is from a plant native to southern Asia. This fragrant herb looks like a small, shiny lemon leaf and has a pungent curry fragrance.
This class will feature a demonstration on making a curry powder using spices, herbs, and seeds which can be easily found on our island. Students are encouraged to bring their own mortar and pestle to make the paste as the next step in the process.
The other portion of the class will feature summer rolls made out of rice paper and stuffed with fresh island ingredients such as lettuce, cilantro, mint, mango and papaya, thin strips of carrot, and cold chicken breast. Dipping sauces will also be featured, including sweet chili, peanut, and citrus soy.
Place: Anna Ranch, 65-1480 Kawaihae Rd., Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: $35
Contact: Cathy Youtkus, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.,, (808) 885-1539.
Saturday & Sunday, April 17-18, 8:30 am–4:30 pm, North Kona
Event: Hua Ka Hua Seed Symposium
Sponsors: Hosted by The Kohala Center through a USDA Organic Research and Education Initiative (OREI) grant.
Description: Farmers and gardeners from around the state are invited to the Hua Ka Hua Seed Symposium to share knowledge of seed growing, selection and saving, and to plan a future public seed initiative. The long-term goal of the symposium is to initiate a Hawai‘i Public Seed Initiative (HPSI) to support on-farm/garden research and expertise in seed variety trials, selection, saving, and storage, and to collaborate with agricultural stakeholders in the development of an open-pollinated organic seed industry for market farmers and home gardeners in Hawai‘i and the Pacific. For program details, speakers, and partners, see
Place: Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort, Kahalu‘u Conference Room, Kailua-Kona, North Kona
Cost: $100 by March 1, $150 after March 1 (Cost includes buffet lunch for both days.) To register, see Special symposium room rate available at Outrigger Keauhou Beach Resort.
Contact: Nancy Redfeather, symposium coordinator, 808-322-2801, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Saturday, April 17, 6 pm - 10 pm, North Kona
Event: 9th Annual Chocolate Festival and Symposium, Festival Gala Event
Sponsors: Na'alehu Theater, Dolphin Journeys, and others.
Description: A multi-day educational experience that brings together pastry Chefs, culinary experts, Chocolatiers, Cacao farmers, regional and national educators, and representatives of the chocolate industry together with families, chocolate mavens and connoisseurs to create a multi-day immersion in "The World of Chocolate." Workshops for cooks, farmers, chocolate lovers, and families are all part of the annual Chocolate Symposium in the Kona Chocolate Festival. Evening Benefit Gala, silent auction, live music, entertainment, sponsor booths, regional chocolate competition, wine, champagne, beer , dancing.
Place: Sheraton Keauhou Bay Resort & Spa, Kailua-Kona, North Kona
Cost: Gala Event - $40; special VIP Sponsors, $125
Contact: Festival phone 9987-8722, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . More info:
Saturday, April 24, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: Cooking From the Garden, (Fifth of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala’ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and many other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, May 1, 9 am - Noon, South Kohala
Event: Waimea Wed Side/Dry Side Garden Tours, (Last of six workshops in 2nd annual "It Takes a Garden to Grow a Community" series)
Sponsor: Mala'ai, The Culinary Gardens of Waimea Middle School
Description: This six-Saturday program will cover a range of topics to help Waimea Middle School students and their families and community friends to start or expand on home food gardens. Gloves and garden tools will be provided for the workshops and participants are urged to bring appropriate weather protection and drinking water. A potluck lunch will follow. The organic Mala’ai school garden includes both traditional Hawaiian food crops such as kalo, mamake and sugarcane, and many other food and flowering crops and trees.
Place: Mala'ai School Garden at Waimea Middle School, 67-1229 Mamalahoa Hwy, Waimea, South Kohala
Cost: All six classes in series $100. Each class $25. Attendance limited to first 25 who register.
Contact: Patti Cook, 937-2833, or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.